Airforce Texan .45 - Big Bore Airguns vs. Fruit = Airforce Airguns Fruit Salad
Aug 11th 2018 The AirForce Texan .45 is a beast! So I am getting ready for the Deer hunting season here in Michigan and testing different ammo options. I harvested 3 deer last year with the Texan .357 using 128 grain and 175 grain slugs. This year I am moving up to the AirForce Texan .45. I will be looking at flat nose and hollow-points and slugs in the 250-350 grain range. 250 grain slugs zip out in the 830ish FPS and get great expansion with hollow-points but give up some FPE. Just for fun I decided to do some scientific research using fruit. AirForce Texan fruit salad baby! Using NSA 254 grain HP Boat Tails...