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MK2 FX Airguns Chronograph - FPS Wars - Wedding From Hell

05 November 2019 / 3514 views / Airgun Gear Show

In March I showed the new FX Airguns Chronograph, and this video produced more feedback than I have ever had before. Some loved it, some hated it, some had a go at me for not comparing the new FX Chronograph to any other chronograph, thus here it is, my new video doing exactly what was asked for. My Wife can now start having conversations with me again and my family can spend time with me.

Oh, and the wedding, keep watching.......

The FX Chronograph MK2, now comes with a bracket and a FREE bracket upgrade to first time purchasers.

The App has also had massive updates, and now has profiles that save data, easier navigation and a calibration option if you need it.

Does it work even better than before, you bet your bottom it does.

The bracket design came from the Air Hunters, here is a link to the channel on 101.

All the links to get one are below.

Utah Airguns

Airgun Depot

Pyramyd Air

JS Ramsbottom

** Note - The bracket upgrade to earlier users may require to pay postage. Also the take up will be thousands of people so be patient, and yep, this is a first, manufacturers sending updates for free, that's the way to do it!!!!

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