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Arrow Gun Rabbit Hunt with FX Verminator and G5 Small Game Head (SGH)

25 April 2013 / 523 views / Teds Holdover

April 25th 2013 Unlisted footage: Unlisted video only: When the threat of ricochet is too high, I reach for my arrows. Practical range for the FX Verminator arrow assembly is 30 yards or less. But, when you are hunting down urban rabbits, that is plenty of reach. Be warned, the unlisted footage may be considered Graphic to some viewers. It's nothing any hunter has not seen. But, slow-motion adds a whole new element to the viewing experience. What takes 5 seconds in real-time plays out over a minute in slow-motion. Equipment Links: FX Verminator MK2 Extreme: Where to buy it (U.S.): Scope-Cam Mount: Scope-Cam High-Speed Camera:

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