RussDouglas222 AirMaks Krait Lite
RussDouglas222 AirMaks Krait Lite
Thanks to Konstantin at AirMaks and Chris at UK.CDRGuns -I now have my own Krait Lite, in .22” UK sub-12. Unveiled at the British Shooting Show 2024
My Flickr photo album containing LOADS more images can be found here:
AirMaks offer the same custom serial number they offered me, to anyone purchasing a new AirMaks rifle, for a small fee.
00:17 Introduction.
01:15 Personalisation anyone?
01:50 New features / changes from the existing Krait.
02:30 Superlight cocking effort.
03:44 Honest range opinions from Calum then Bri at GARC.
08:15 Review continues.
10:55 Why have I finally got a .22” in sub-12 format?
11:52 Big-up to Stuarts of @vermincontrolscotland2 – where you’ll find loads of ratting footage captured with the new Zulus ZHD312R scope (lower mag / wider-angle).
13:12 A few shots @31m across our new front garden.
14:42 272-shot chrono string, from 250bar down to 80 bar.
22:56 chrono string summary, then conclusions.
24:31 Birds still feeding 31m downrange (following early chrono checks).
24:53 Coming soon.
STOP PRESS: Tickets for the 2025 British Shooting Show are already on sale:
#airmaks, #airmaksarms, #ukcdrguns, #airmakskraitlite, #personalisedkraitlite, #customserioalnumber, #arkenopticszulus, #arkenopticszhd520r, #ballisticcalculatoraccommodates22calibre, #russdouglas222, #britishshootingshow #honestreviews, #independentreviews, #disabledreviews, #airgunworldmagazine, #fieldsportspress, #britishshootingshow
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I DO NOT sell Airguns or shotguns / Firearms, nor do I sell accessories, parts, magazines, or ammunition.