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Pard008S LRF + .22 - FAC FX Impact M3 Sniper range tests

26 July 2022 / 409 views / RussDouglas 222

Pard008S LRF & .22 - FAC FX Impact M3 Sniper range tests

Here as the first follow-up to my Pard008S-LRF & .177" FAC FX Maverick Compact -tests, I test the Pard's ballistic calculator outdoors, at 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m & 90m.
Then 40m, 40m, 19m, 10m & 5m - to see how well it fares.

This video accompanies my article in September's issue of Airgun World magazine.

00:00 Introduction to day #1.
04:52 Welcome to day #2 & change from sticks to bench-rest.
06:13 Pard008S-LRF scope setup.
08:10 Initial 50m zero checks.
10:12 Moving myself back 10m at a time 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m.
07:17 Intro then back to start and bringing the backstop forwards 40m, 40m, 19m, 10m, 5m.
22:04 Rounding-up.
22:35 Coming next/soon

#pard, #pard008s-lrf, #latestpard008slrf, #pard008lrfwithballisticcalculator, #balisticcalculator, #fximpactm3sniper, #eaglevisioncam108moarail, #longrangettesting, #sportsmanguncentre, #russdouglas222, #youtuberussdouglas222, #honestreviews, #independentreviews, #TechnicalReview, #Dayandnightpestcontrol, #RussDouglas222, #DisabledReviews, #UKNVforum, #airgunworldmagazine

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