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Introducing the NateChrony

02 June 2024 / 94 views / RussDouglas 222

Introducing the NateChrony

After meeting Nate and his partner at February’s British Shooting Show in February (, here I explain the ins and outs of using his NateChrony, in my regular testing spot.

FYI my previous review of the Mito-S pistol was in March 2022 Airgun World, and my video review is here: My upcoming article includes my newly-purchased Mito-S, among other pistol-carbines: watch this space.

Here I impartially test the NateChrony, using three different pellets through my new Mito-S (which I'll use in another three-way comparison video very soon).
I test all three pellet types simultaneously through the NateChrony and my R2A chrono.
I test all three pellet types simultaneously through the NateChrony and my R2A chrono, showing the results after each magazine of pellets, and comparing the results at the end.
Then I show you Nate's new-look NateChrony, and NateChrony Mini, which are still 3D-printed but now reinforced, so weigh just a few more grams.

My Flickr album accompanying this review (and written review in the next issue of Airgun World magazine) is here:

Thanks for watching, and thanks again Nate for letting me review his cool new chrono. His website is here:

#natechrony, #muzzlemountedchrono, #lightweightchrono, #comparativetesting #russdouglas222, #honestreviews, #independentreviews, #disabledreviews, #airgunworldmagazine, #fieldsportspress,

DISCLAIMER - My videos are strictly for educational, documentary and entertainment purposes. Imitation of any acts depicted in these videos is entirely at YOUR OWN RISK. Neither RussDouglas222 nor YouTube will not be held liable for any injury or damage or violation of the law. I am fully licensed and insured ( for my work, and I do not sell or deal in firearms or any other shooting products. Such practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws.
I DO NOT sell Airguns or shotguns / Firearms, nor do I sell accessories, parts, magazines, or ammunition.

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