AIRGUN HUNT African Small Game!
Oct 7th 2017 Hunting with the Ataman .30 caliber air rifle! Continuing with my hunts on African small game, we took some time off the plains game and did a bit of varmint hunting with the Ataman M2 .30 caliber rifle. Both the rifle and the caliber proved an excellent choice for the medium sized rock hyrax. For the most part Dassie are left alone, but as they expand into areas of the property reserved for livestock, they need to be culled. This is accomplished by light hunting, a few taken by visiting hunters is enough to keep the numbers in check. I shot about a half dozen during the two plus week trip, I find the fact that they are wary, they live up high, and have excellent eyesight makes them a challenge! The Ataman .30 shot accurately, cycled smoothly and the 8 shot magazine worked well, with the rifle putting out about 92 fpe . I had a great time shooting it for everything from crows to small antelope, it worked a charm! You can get more information on this rifle from: Air Venturi : Airgun Depot : If you like this video give a thumbs-up, and to keep up with new postings please subscribe! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Seneca Eagle Claw on the Prowl for Abert's Tree Squirrel"