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PARROT HUNTING | Monk Parakeet PEST Control

09 November 2024 / 102 views / Airgun Evolution

PARROT HUNTING | Monk Parakeet PEST Control

Shiver me timbers, If ye scoundrels Wants T' Leave A Comment Be Leavin' It like a Pirate or Walk The Plank... YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....

After Fight'n the Krakin I decided to set sail to test me might agenst the swashbuckl'n sky screechers. ARRRRRRR......... These Salty Sky Scalawags are deemed "Dangerous Species" strip'n the buds off trees and eat'n flowering crops before they can even grow, I be told they scour farm fields after they be seeded eat'n all the fresh seed, bankrupting the farmers. There be places where landlubbing farmers have t' be putt'n netting and special bags over there trees just to protect them from these menaces... So today I be sending them straight t' Davy Jones' Locker...
YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..... I just hope I don't end up sailing off the ends of the earth.

Quaker Parrots a.k.a. Monk Parakeets are an invasive destructive species, there on the dangerous species list and you are allowed to shot them year round with no limit.

Me Blunderbuss B' the mighty Tiapan Veteran Short .22 cal firing H&N cannon balls..Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Me looking glass was crafted by Crimson Trace.

I be setting sail now, I'va new quest, ta find tha Fishy Mermaid who called me Ma an Octopus an Shiver his timbers..... YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Me hopes ye be like'n it
Thanks for watch'n.
~ Captain 'Bloody Knife' Steve "YARRRRRRRR"

If ye Be Like'n the video here be a few more ye might like: Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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#AirgunEvolution #QuakerParrot #MonkParakeet #ParrotHunt #YARRRRRRRRRRRR

Join Me On The High Sea's:

If Ye Enjoyed The Video Ye be Like'n and Subscribe'n - YARRRRRRRRR
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