Iguana Pest Control | South Florida Iguana Invasion
Iguana Pest Control | South Florida Iguana Invasion
With the help of Jessica from Iguana Solutions I found a new Canal loaded with Iguanas. I meet some guys who were trying to harvest Iguanas with a sling shot for food, I teamed up with them and filled there coolers over and over again with hundreds of these giant lizards..
Iguanas are a HUGE problem in South Florida. There a non-native Invasive Species with no natural predators. They live in populated Urban areas this offers them protection from any would be predator. They cause millions in damage to important infrastructure including roads and sea walls. They burrow under ground making hazardous areas where people can Easley step on what they believe to be firm ground only to have it collapse and fall in a hole, this happened to me. As we all know Florida is a heaven for retired people and the hazards of a fall are very severe for them.
FWC is encouraging people to kill Iguanas on sight.
There is no license needed to hunt them and there is no limit, Florida wants them GONE!
The best spot to hunt them is near a canal with mowed or short grass and with trees nearby.
They stretch from the Palm Beach area across to Cape Coral and South in to the Keys.
For more Iguana Hunting Check out Orion the Iguana Hunters Channel:
I hope you like it and Thanks for watching.
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#AirgunEvolution #IguanaHunt #SouthFlorida #HeadShot
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Cjbeards - Take It All [Copyright Free Electronic]
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