URAGAN by Airgun Technology (Full Review) .25 caliber Bullpup PCP Air Rifle
The Airgun Technology URAGAN is easily the best PCP air rifle to come out in 2019. I have tested the .30 cal and .177 Compact versions. They are all extremely accurate and a joy to shoot! The super high shot count on the URAGAN PCP rifles plus the top notch accuracy, make the URAGAN a great choice if your looking for a quality PCP bullpup air rifle.
Here are my AFFILIATE links if you shop at PYRAMID AIR for pellets and other gear...I will get a small percentage of the sale. Thanks for watching! -Nate
* Airgun Depot AFFILIATE LINK: Coming Soon!
* AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Air&i=sporting&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&linkId=bbc0fff1a3b11404cdddc92859cf4fa2&tag=thercchanne0e-20
EBAY AFFILIATE LINK: https://www.ebay.com/b/Air-Guns-Slingshots/178886/bn_1946971
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