RTI Arms The PRIEST 2 (Full Review) World's Most Accurate PCP Airgun
Dec 14th 2019 This full review of the RTI Arms Priest 2 air rifle give you an up close look at possibly the worlds most accurate air rifle. This PCP rifle gets over 100 shots per fill. The new RTI regulator available on the Standard and Premium versions of the Priest ii, keeps your shots dead on with awesome consistency. This gun can go head to head with an FX Impact any day. See what I mean in this full Priest 2 review video. I shoot this gun over 200 times in this video all the way out to 100 yard accuracy testing! Buy an RTI Arms Priest 2 here: * STANDARD VERSION: $1130 USD: https://www.airgunsofarizona.com/prec... * PERFORMANCE Model (Black) $1499 USD: https://www.airgunsofarizona.com/prec... * PERFORMANCE Model (Cerekote TAN) $1559 USD: https://www.airgunsofarizona.com/prec... * MAGAZINES $63 USD: https://www.airgunsofarizona.com/mags... * BARREL KITS (.177-.30 cal) $276 USD: https://www.airgunsofarizona.com/fact... * Here is my AFFILIATE link if you shop at PYRAMID AIR (for pellets)...I will get up to 6% of the sale. -Nate * Pyramyd Air AFFILIATE LINK: http://www.anrdoezrs.net/links/919093... * Airgun Depot AFFILIATE LINK: Coming Soon! * AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: EBAY AFFILIATE LINK: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-532... You can always find our Youtube Channel by going to http://www.Air-Gun-Channel.com Thanks for watching!